Best way to make a todo list
Best way to make a todo list

best way to make a todo list

In his 1791, Benjamin Franklin recorded what was one of the earliest-known forms of a to-do list. What did that look like, once upon a time? And what does it look like for us today? As it turns out, the answer to the latter is different for everyone, and we’ve identified some of the ways people make to-do lists work for them. And while they’ve evolved significantly over the years, they still stand to serve a pretty similar purpose: To plan what we need to do. They date back at least to the 1700s, as you’ll see below, and have been the subject of glee, contention, and productivity advice alike ever since. So if we want to remember anything, we have to write it down. We’re so busy jumping ahead to whatever's next that we forget what we were doing in the first place. It’s just that our minds move too quickly.

Best way to make a todo list